Don’t Abandon Me
23.03.2019 – 11.05.2019 Pi Artworks Istanbul I Turkey
Don’t Abandon Me is a progression from Uysal’s 2015 London exhibition BLOCK. The show is named after Argentinian artist Nicolás Bacal’s black-pencil work (Ne m’abandonne pas) that is on display on the walls of Uysal’s home in Paris. In Don’t Abandon Me, Mehmet Ali Uysal recreates and collates parts of the 14 houses where he has lived since his childhood, as well as the memories that remain of these locations.

Uysal believes that the mind shapes our perception of events, so that our recollection of occurrences are biased, and that this perception shifts with time. According to this thought, the reality experienced in a home creates and adds to the consciousness of the physical space, which in turn intrinsically records all occurrences taking place within its four walls. By means of the works, which are exclusively created for Don’t Abandon Me, Uysal wishes to transcribe and share with the viewer some of the memories that would have otherwise vanished from his mind.

“I have lived in 14 different houses; during childhood, adolescence, university years, the years living abroad… The houses I lived in have been recorded in some of the memories that I have created when inhabiting them. When I say recorded, I mean a rough record; both in my memory and in the memory of the places… But my recollection transforms as I change. Even though they give me comfort emotionally, the loss of some of these moments also causes anxiety. In time we loose memories, not only the bad ones. As a result we also forfeit some of the good moments, and I believe that in essence we all try to resist that from happening,” says Uysal.

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